Friday, August 28, 2009
Have you read Abraham-Hicks "The Vortex" yet? It just launched:)
The Vortex
This Leading Edge work by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present The Teachings of Abraham, will help you understand every relationship you are currently involved in as well as every relationship you have ever experienced.
The book is getting some fabulous reviews and I'm really excited to read it:) Apparently, it's different than the other books. Whereas Ask & It Is Given was based more on processes and things you can do to get in the flow, this book helps dissolve our false, negative beliefs and the things that hold us back. Please post your comments & reviews here if and when you read the book! If you buy the book through the above link, you'll have access to free gifts like audio downloads and e-books plus a chance to win an all-expenses-paid trip to see Abraham-Hicks live.
law of attraction,
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Twitter Grader Excitement
yay:) I made my first video with my new screen capture software (so lucky for that gift!!!). I'm excited to be listed as #25 in the world on Twitter Grader.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Sparkle Friday around the world
What is Sparkle Friday? It's a fun little club I started when I was in broadcasting school to brighten my day and to brighten the world.
My mom was dying in the hospital through the first few months of broadcasting school, and she passed on when I was still in school. It was a tough time for me, and in order to focus on completing school despite losing the only family I'd ever known, I needed to find ways to stay positive.
I've always loved sparkling, shiny things (who doesn't?!) and I started wearing some of the sparkles I had in my makeup kit that I usually only wore when I went out clubbing.
Then my friend Tracey was wearing some sparkly mascara and we started talking about how great sparkles are, and out of that conversation came Sparkle Fridays! It was a lot of fun and we started wearing as much sparkles as we could on Fridays, without going to the extent of looking like a disco ball (though if you look like a disco ball, good on ya!).
Sparkle Friday disappeared when school was finished and I'd pretty much forgotten about it. But today I decided to wear a pair of shoes with some rhinestones on them, and that spark for Sparkle Friday was re-ignited:)
Now I want to share Sparkle Friday with the world. So take part in Sparkle Friday by glamming up in whatever kind of sparkles you desire. Body shimmer, sparkle nail polish, even sparkles in your hair, rings, shiny buttons (I like to wear a rhinestone on my face like a beauty mark) are just some examples. Whatever tickles your fancy, show the world your sparkle on Sparkle Friday! It's a lot of fun:) Let's see how many people we can get to participate in the Sparkle Friday club:)
Love, hugs & sparkles!!
My mom was dying in the hospital through the first few months of broadcasting school, and she passed on when I was still in school. It was a tough time for me, and in order to focus on completing school despite losing the only family I'd ever known, I needed to find ways to stay positive.
I've always loved sparkling, shiny things (who doesn't?!) and I started wearing some of the sparkles I had in my makeup kit that I usually only wore when I went out clubbing.
Then my friend Tracey was wearing some sparkly mascara and we started talking about how great sparkles are, and out of that conversation came Sparkle Fridays! It was a lot of fun and we started wearing as much sparkles as we could on Fridays, without going to the extent of looking like a disco ball (though if you look like a disco ball, good on ya!).
Sparkle Friday disappeared when school was finished and I'd pretty much forgotten about it. But today I decided to wear a pair of shoes with some rhinestones on them, and that spark for Sparkle Friday was re-ignited:)
Now I want to share Sparkle Friday with the world. So take part in Sparkle Friday by glamming up in whatever kind of sparkles you desire. Body shimmer, sparkle nail polish, even sparkles in your hair, rings, shiny buttons (I like to wear a rhinestone on my face like a beauty mark) are just some examples. Whatever tickles your fancy, show the world your sparkle on Sparkle Friday! It's a lot of fun:) Let's see how many people we can get to participate in the Sparkle Friday club:)
Love, hugs & sparkles!!
sparkle friday,
Monday, August 3, 2009
Creating Money - Attracting Abundance
I want to share this book I'm currently reading. It's called Creating Money - Attracting Abundance by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer. I discovered this book when I was searching for their book Opening to Channel which has been recommended to me by at least 2 channels I've had on Synchronicity.
It's about the Law of Attraction, so I'm sure you've heard it before. But it was originally written in 1988. When you read this book, I think you'll get the same feeling as me, that perhaps many of the LOA books currently on the market were inspired by this book.
The information is channeled, much like the Abraham-Hicks material. It's nothing new but as I'm reading it, it just feels more loving to me. It feels more gentle than some of the other books about manifesting.
I was fortunate to be able to borrow it from the local library. If you can find a copy in your library or if you have the additional money to spend, it's worth a read.
I'm only about 1/4 of the way through the book but I already feel like sharing it with you. (I've also skipped ahead a bit to see what's coming).
One of the things this book focuses is on is feeling the essence of what it is you want. Now, other LOA books tell you to do the same thing, but telling you to do something and actually provoking you to take the time and really think and feel about what you want, what it will do for you, etc, is so much more valuable. We all "know" this stuff. We all know what we "should" do when it comes to the Law of Attraction and manifesting. The idea behind it is pretty straight forward. But LIVING it is a whole other thing.
Here's an example of two of the processes in the book (I'd recommend really going through them and writing down your answers):
Having Money
1. How much spending money would you like to have for pure play and enjoyment?
2. How much money would you like to have in savings?
3. What would you like your net worth to be?
4. What annual income would you like?
5. What do you want money for in the next year or two? List as many things as you can think of.
6. Choose one item from your answer to question 5 that stands out the most for you, and complete the following:
a. List at least three ways that this item will serve your higher good.
b. List at least three ways that your having this item will serve the higher
good of others.
Joy and Appreciation
1. List several ways you might increase joy in your life.
2. Pick one of these things. How might you use money as a tool to enhance your joy in this area?
1. List at least five things you accomplished last year that you feel good
about. These can be minor or major accomplishments. You have probably
accomplished even more than you realize or have given yourself credit for.
2. Think of at least five things you are grateful for right now in your life.
(One woman made a mental list every night before she went to bed of
everything she felt grateful for. Her prosperity began to increase
3. Think of at least three people to whom you would like to show your
appreciation for their support right now. Be specific about what you would
like to do, and then do it.
-From Creating Money by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, a book published by HJ Kramer Inc and New World Library. Information at
Tune in Friday mornings @ 9am Pacific for my show about spirituality
It's about the Law of Attraction, so I'm sure you've heard it before. But it was originally written in 1988. When you read this book, I think you'll get the same feeling as me, that perhaps many of the LOA books currently on the market were inspired by this book.
The information is channeled, much like the Abraham-Hicks material. It's nothing new but as I'm reading it, it just feels more loving to me. It feels more gentle than some of the other books about manifesting.
I was fortunate to be able to borrow it from the local library. If you can find a copy in your library or if you have the additional money to spend, it's worth a read.
I'm only about 1/4 of the way through the book but I already feel like sharing it with you. (I've also skipped ahead a bit to see what's coming).
One of the things this book focuses is on is feeling the essence of what it is you want. Now, other LOA books tell you to do the same thing, but telling you to do something and actually provoking you to take the time and really think and feel about what you want, what it will do for you, etc, is so much more valuable. We all "know" this stuff. We all know what we "should" do when it comes to the Law of Attraction and manifesting. The idea behind it is pretty straight forward. But LIVING it is a whole other thing.
Here's an example of two of the processes in the book (I'd recommend really going through them and writing down your answers):
Having Money
1. How much spending money would you like to have for pure play and enjoyment?
2. How much money would you like to have in savings?
3. What would you like your net worth to be?
4. What annual income would you like?
5. What do you want money for in the next year or two? List as many things as you can think of.
6. Choose one item from your answer to question 5 that stands out the most for you, and complete the following:
a. List at least three ways that this item will serve your higher good.
b. List at least three ways that your having this item will serve the higher
good of others.
Joy and Appreciation
1. List several ways you might increase joy in your life.
2. Pick one of these things. How might you use money as a tool to enhance your joy in this area?
1. List at least five things you accomplished last year that you feel good
about. These can be minor or major accomplishments. You have probably
accomplished even more than you realize or have given yourself credit for.
2. Think of at least five things you are grateful for right now in your life.
(One woman made a mental list every night before she went to bed of
everything she felt grateful for. Her prosperity began to increase
3. Think of at least three people to whom you would like to show your
appreciation for their support right now. Be specific about what you would
like to do, and then do it.
-From Creating Money by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, a book published by HJ Kramer Inc and New World Library. Information at
Tune in Friday mornings @ 9am Pacific for my show about spirituality
law of attraction,
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Emperor's New Clothes?
First, I want to thank everyone who commented on my LOA vs Action post... I just discovered the comments, MONTHS later. Eek! Thanks for being so patient:)
This is somewhat related to my Law of Attraction vs. Action post. In that post, I mentioned how some (or many) people interpret the Law of Attraction as being able to meditate all day and things will suddenly materialize for you. That is not the case. Well, it might be for someone like Jesus Christ... I'm not saying it's impossible, because I believe anything is possible. But I don't know anyone who has consistently manifested through non-action and only feeling good.
I think I'm digressing here (wouldn't it be nice if all my writing was concise? lol). The point I intend to make in this blog post is that the most important thing you can do is follow your own intuition. Spiritual books, movies, CDs, motivational speakers and the like can be VERY beneficial. But nothing is better than your own inner guidance. I'm not talking ego here, I'm talking about that gut feeling -- that knowing that comes from deep within you.
I have reviewed some spiritual material (not mentioning any names) and sometimes people will say things like, "if you disagree with what I'm saying it's because you're not smart enough/educated enough/mature enough/ENLIGHTENED enough to "get" it." (this is not a direct quote, just an example). Who knows, that may or may not be true, but it's my opinion that anyone who dishes out that kind of statement is not being completely forthcoming. I can tell you that I have spoken with people who make these kinds of statements, and they have revealed to me through their actions and words that they are NOT living that life 100% of the time every day. But that is what they present to the world. I am saying this not to point out anyone's shortcomings. We all have them. I want to share this with you because I, myself, have felt disheartened when comparing my journey to those who are supposedly enlightened. Why have I not had this experience? Why am I not happy and positive every second of every day? I simply want to share with you that you are JUST as worthy, just as special, just as wonderful as anyone else.
It's like the story of the Emperor's New Clothes. Everyone was told that only the most special people will see the clothes. So what did the king do? His ego would not allow him to admit he was unable to see these beautiful, magical clothes. But guess what? There never were any clothes! It was a scheme. Had the king trusted his gut instead of his ego, he would have seen past it. None of his servants or friends would admit to not seeing the clothes because nobody wanted to admit they didn't "get" it. What's so wrong with admitting that you don't get it? That things aren't perfect? I am not for a moment saying that we should dwell in the negative, but I do think we can safely get REAL, without putting too much emphasis on what we don't want.
So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that it is GOOD to question authority. It is GOOD to question what you read and study. Just because someone is famous does NOT mean that they know better than everyone else (they might, but then again they might not).
That is one of the reasons I am so open on my show. I am the first to admit I have had struggles in my life. I would like to be able to say everything is rosy and perfect. Sometimes things do feel that way, sometimes things flow effortlessly and I can attribute it to my spiritual practices, the law of attraction, etc. And other times things do not flow so well. Maybe it's that I'm getting in my own way or trapped in a cycle of negative thinking or whatever. But that's what a lot of us do! I don't think there is a person alive who hasn't allowed themselves to get sucked into the negative. So why not admit that sometimes I do that? Sometimes I make mistakes. Sometimes I say hurtful things I shouldn't have. Do I want to live in the moment and be positive as much as possible? Sure I do! But I'm not going to lie and say that every moment of my day comes from a place of enlightenment.
I don't believe any of us are truly victims of our circumstances, but I do believe it's important to be real. I take my position as host of Synchronicity very seriously. I WANT to show you the positive side of life. I want to show you and prove to you that you are the master of your own destiny. And I truly believe you are. But one thing I do not want to do is pretend I'm something I'm not.
I'm so thankful that there are REAL teachers out there, who speak and teach from the heart. They are the gems of this world, and it is my goal to be real and honest and genuine. Because if I can create the life I want, then I know you will be able to do all that and more.
I hope what I'm trying to say is coming across. This feels a bit like a rant, but it is coming from my heart. I truly want to share love and hope with the world, and through my journey I'll teach and help others to heal and grow. And through my searching and my teaching, I hope to learn and grow within myself. My show, Synchronicity, is not "the Marie Show." The show is about you, me and all of us working together to create the best world and the best "us" that we can possibly create. We are creating this together. Thank you for coming along on this journey with me:) In the words of Abraham-Hicks: "you are where you are, and where you are is really, really, really, really good"
Love & hugs!
Synchronicity: Talk Radio For Your Mind, Body & Soul
This is somewhat related to my Law of Attraction vs. Action post. In that post, I mentioned how some (or many) people interpret the Law of Attraction as being able to meditate all day and things will suddenly materialize for you. That is not the case. Well, it might be for someone like Jesus Christ... I'm not saying it's impossible, because I believe anything is possible. But I don't know anyone who has consistently manifested through non-action and only feeling good.
I think I'm digressing here (wouldn't it be nice if all my writing was concise? lol). The point I intend to make in this blog post is that the most important thing you can do is follow your own intuition. Spiritual books, movies, CDs, motivational speakers and the like can be VERY beneficial. But nothing is better than your own inner guidance. I'm not talking ego here, I'm talking about that gut feeling -- that knowing that comes from deep within you.
I have reviewed some spiritual material (not mentioning any names) and sometimes people will say things like, "if you disagree with what I'm saying it's because you're not smart enough/educated enough/mature enough/ENLIGHTENED enough to "get" it." (this is not a direct quote, just an example). Who knows, that may or may not be true, but it's my opinion that anyone who dishes out that kind of statement is not being completely forthcoming. I can tell you that I have spoken with people who make these kinds of statements, and they have revealed to me through their actions and words that they are NOT living that life 100% of the time every day. But that is what they present to the world. I am saying this not to point out anyone's shortcomings. We all have them. I want to share this with you because I, myself, have felt disheartened when comparing my journey to those who are supposedly enlightened. Why have I not had this experience? Why am I not happy and positive every second of every day? I simply want to share with you that you are JUST as worthy, just as special, just as wonderful as anyone else.
It's like the story of the Emperor's New Clothes. Everyone was told that only the most special people will see the clothes. So what did the king do? His ego would not allow him to admit he was unable to see these beautiful, magical clothes. But guess what? There never were any clothes! It was a scheme. Had the king trusted his gut instead of his ego, he would have seen past it. None of his servants or friends would admit to not seeing the clothes because nobody wanted to admit they didn't "get" it. What's so wrong with admitting that you don't get it? That things aren't perfect? I am not for a moment saying that we should dwell in the negative, but I do think we can safely get REAL, without putting too much emphasis on what we don't want.
So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that it is GOOD to question authority. It is GOOD to question what you read and study. Just because someone is famous does NOT mean that they know better than everyone else (they might, but then again they might not).
That is one of the reasons I am so open on my show. I am the first to admit I have had struggles in my life. I would like to be able to say everything is rosy and perfect. Sometimes things do feel that way, sometimes things flow effortlessly and I can attribute it to my spiritual practices, the law of attraction, etc. And other times things do not flow so well. Maybe it's that I'm getting in my own way or trapped in a cycle of negative thinking or whatever. But that's what a lot of us do! I don't think there is a person alive who hasn't allowed themselves to get sucked into the negative. So why not admit that sometimes I do that? Sometimes I make mistakes. Sometimes I say hurtful things I shouldn't have. Do I want to live in the moment and be positive as much as possible? Sure I do! But I'm not going to lie and say that every moment of my day comes from a place of enlightenment.
I don't believe any of us are truly victims of our circumstances, but I do believe it's important to be real. I take my position as host of Synchronicity very seriously. I WANT to show you the positive side of life. I want to show you and prove to you that you are the master of your own destiny. And I truly believe you are. But one thing I do not want to do is pretend I'm something I'm not.
I'm so thankful that there are REAL teachers out there, who speak and teach from the heart. They are the gems of this world, and it is my goal to be real and honest and genuine. Because if I can create the life I want, then I know you will be able to do all that and more.
I hope what I'm trying to say is coming across. This feels a bit like a rant, but it is coming from my heart. I truly want to share love and hope with the world, and through my journey I'll teach and help others to heal and grow. And through my searching and my teaching, I hope to learn and grow within myself. My show, Synchronicity, is not "the Marie Show." The show is about you, me and all of us working together to create the best world and the best "us" that we can possibly create. We are creating this together. Thank you for coming along on this journey with me:) In the words of Abraham-Hicks: "you are where you are, and where you are is really, really, really, really good"
Love & hugs!
Synchronicity: Talk Radio For Your Mind, Body & Soul
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