Friday, August 28, 2009

Have you read Abraham-Hicks "The Vortex" yet? It just launched:)

The Vortex
This Leading Edge work by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present The Teachings of Abraham, will help you understand every relationship you are currently involved in as well as every relationship you have ever experienced.

The book is getting some fabulous reviews and I'm really excited to read it:) Apparently, it's different than the other books. Whereas Ask & It Is Given was based more on processes and things you can do to get in the flow, this book helps dissolve our false, negative beliefs and the things that hold us back. Please post your comments & reviews here if and when you read the book! If you buy the book through the above link, you'll have access to free gifts like audio downloads and e-books plus a chance to win an all-expenses-paid trip to see Abraham-Hicks live.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Twitter Grader Excitement

yay:) I made my first video with my new screen capture software (so lucky for that gift!!!). I'm excited to be listed as #25 in the world on Twitter Grader.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sparkle Friday around the world

What is Sparkle Friday? It's a fun little club I started when I was in broadcasting school to brighten my day and to brighten the world.

My mom was dying in the hospital through the first few months of broadcasting school, and she passed on when I was still in school. It was a tough time for me, and in order to focus on completing school despite losing the only family I'd ever known, I needed to find ways to stay positive.

I've always loved sparkling, shiny things (who doesn't?!) and I started wearing some of the sparkles I had in my makeup kit that I usually only wore when I went out clubbing.
Then my friend Tracey was wearing some sparkly mascara and we started talking about how great sparkles are, and out of that conversation came Sparkle Fridays! It was a lot of fun and we started wearing as much sparkles as we could on Fridays, without going to the extent of looking like a disco ball (though if you look like a disco ball, good on ya!).

Sparkle Friday disappeared when school was finished and I'd pretty much forgotten about it. But today I decided to wear a pair of shoes with some rhinestones on them, and that spark for Sparkle Friday was re-ignited:)

Now I want to share Sparkle Friday with the world. So take part in Sparkle Friday by glamming up in whatever kind of sparkles you desire. Body shimmer, sparkle nail polish, even sparkles in your hair, rings, shiny buttons (I like to wear a rhinestone on my face like a beauty mark) are just some examples. Whatever tickles your fancy, show the world your sparkle on Sparkle Friday! It's a lot of fun:) Let's see how many people we can get to participate in the Sparkle Friday club:)

Love, hugs & sparkles!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Creating Money - Attracting Abundance

I want to share this book I'm currently reading. It's called Creating Money - Attracting Abundance by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer. I discovered this book when I was searching for their book Opening to Channel which has been recommended to me by at least 2 channels I've had on Synchronicity.

It's about the Law of Attraction, so I'm sure you've heard it before. But it was originally written in 1988. When you read this book, I think you'll get the same feeling as me, that perhaps many of the LOA books currently on the market were inspired by this book.

The information is channeled, much like the Abraham-Hicks material. It's nothing new but as I'm reading it, it just feels more loving to me. It feels more gentle than some of the other books about manifesting.

I was fortunate to be able to borrow it from the local library. If you can find a copy in your library or if you have the additional money to spend, it's worth a read.

I'm only about 1/4 of the way through the book but I already feel like sharing it with you. (I've also skipped ahead a bit to see what's coming).

One of the things this book focuses is on is feeling the essence of what it is you want. Now, other LOA books tell you to do the same thing, but telling you to do something and actually provoking you to take the time and really think and feel about what you want, what it will do for you, etc, is so much more valuable. We all "know" this stuff. We all know what we "should" do when it comes to the Law of Attraction and manifesting. The idea behind it is pretty straight forward. But LIVING it is a whole other thing.

Here's an example of two of the processes in the book (I'd recommend really going through them and writing down your answers):

Having Money

1. How much spending money would you like to have for pure play and enjoyment?

2. How much money would you like to have in savings?

3. What would you like your net worth to be?

4. What annual income would you like?

5. What do you want money for in the next year or two? List as many things as you can think of.

6. Choose one item from your answer to question 5 that stands out the most for you, and complete the following:

a. List at least three ways that this item will serve your higher good.

b. List at least three ways that your having this item will serve the higher
good of others.


Joy and Appreciation

1. List several ways you might increase joy in your life.

2. Pick one of these things. How might you use money as a tool to enhance your joy in this area?

1. List at least five things you accomplished last year that you feel good
about. These can be minor or major accomplishments. You have probably
accomplished even more than you realize or have given yourself credit for.

2. Think of at least five things you are grateful for right now in your life.
(One woman made a mental list every night before she went to bed of
everything she felt grateful for. Her prosperity began to increase

3. Think of at least three people to whom you would like to show your
appreciation for their support right now. Be specific about what you would
like to do, and then do it.

-From Creating Money by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, a book published by HJ Kramer Inc and New World Library. Information at

Tune in Friday mornings @ 9am Pacific for my show about spirituality

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Emperor's New Clothes?

First, I want to thank everyone who commented on my LOA vs Action post... I just discovered the comments, MONTHS later. Eek! Thanks for being so patient:)

This is somewhat related to my Law of Attraction vs. Action post. In that post, I mentioned how some (or many) people interpret the Law of Attraction as being able to meditate all day and things will suddenly materialize for you. That is not the case. Well, it might be for someone like Jesus Christ... I'm not saying it's impossible, because I believe anything is possible. But I don't know anyone who has consistently manifested through non-action and only feeling good.

I think I'm digressing here (wouldn't it be nice if all my writing was concise? lol). The point I intend to make in this blog post is that the most important thing you can do is follow your own intuition. Spiritual books, movies, CDs, motivational speakers and the like can be VERY beneficial. But nothing is better than your own inner guidance. I'm not talking ego here, I'm talking about that gut feeling -- that knowing that comes from deep within you.

I have reviewed some spiritual material (not mentioning any names) and sometimes people will say things like, "if you disagree with what I'm saying it's because you're not smart enough/educated enough/mature enough/ENLIGHTENED enough to "get" it." (this is not a direct quote, just an example). Who knows, that may or may not be true, but it's my opinion that anyone who dishes out that kind of statement is not being completely forthcoming. I can tell you that I have spoken with people who make these kinds of statements, and they have revealed to me through their actions and words that they are NOT living that life 100% of the time every day. But that is what they present to the world. I am saying this not to point out anyone's shortcomings. We all have them. I want to share this with you because I, myself, have felt disheartened when comparing my journey to those who are supposedly enlightened. Why have I not had this experience? Why am I not happy and positive every second of every day? I simply want to share with you that you are JUST as worthy, just as special, just as wonderful as anyone else.

It's like the story of the Emperor's New Clothes. Everyone was told that only the most special people will see the clothes. So what did the king do? His ego would not allow him to admit he was unable to see these beautiful, magical clothes. But guess what? There never were any clothes! It was a scheme. Had the king trusted his gut instead of his ego, he would have seen past it. None of his servants or friends would admit to not seeing the clothes because nobody wanted to admit they didn't "get" it. What's so wrong with admitting that you don't get it? That things aren't perfect? I am not for a moment saying that we should dwell in the negative, but I do think we can safely get REAL, without putting too much emphasis on what we don't want.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that it is GOOD to question authority. It is GOOD to question what you read and study. Just because someone is famous does NOT mean that they know better than everyone else (they might, but then again they might not).

That is one of the reasons I am so open on my show. I am the first to admit I have had struggles in my life. I would like to be able to say everything is rosy and perfect. Sometimes things do feel that way, sometimes things flow effortlessly and I can attribute it to my spiritual practices, the law of attraction, etc. And other times things do not flow so well. Maybe it's that I'm getting in my own way or trapped in a cycle of negative thinking or whatever. But that's what a lot of us do! I don't think there is a person alive who hasn't allowed themselves to get sucked into the negative. So why not admit that sometimes I do that? Sometimes I make mistakes. Sometimes I say hurtful things I shouldn't have. Do I want to live in the moment and be positive as much as possible? Sure I do! But I'm not going to lie and say that every moment of my day comes from a place of enlightenment.

I don't believe any of us are truly victims of our circumstances, but I do believe it's important to be real. I take my position as host of Synchronicity very seriously. I WANT to show you the positive side of life. I want to show you and prove to you that you are the master of your own destiny. And I truly believe you are. But one thing I do not want to do is pretend I'm something I'm not.

I'm so thankful that there are REAL teachers out there, who speak and teach from the heart. They are the gems of this world, and it is my goal to be real and honest and genuine. Because if I can create the life I want, then I know you will be able to do all that and more.

I hope what I'm trying to say is coming across. This feels a bit like a rant, but it is coming from my heart. I truly want to share love and hope with the world, and through my journey I'll teach and help others to heal and grow. And through my searching and my teaching, I hope to learn and grow within myself. My show, Synchronicity, is not "the Marie Show." The show is about you, me and all of us working together to create the best world and the best "us" that we can possibly create. We are creating this together. Thank you for coming along on this journey with me:) In the words of Abraham-Hicks: "you are where you are, and where you are is really, really, really, really good"
Love & hugs!
Synchronicity: Talk Radio For Your Mind, Body & Soul

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Let's talk about lucid dreaming

According to Wikipedia:
"A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he or she is dreaming. When the dreamer is lucid, he or she can actively participate in and often manipulate the imaginary experiences in the dream environment. Lucid dreams can seem extremely real and vivid depending on a person's level of self-awareness during the lucid dream.[1]

A lucid dream can begin in one of three ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes that he or she is dreaming, while a wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state with no apparent lapse in consciousness. A mnemonic-initiated lucid dream (MILD) can happen when the dreamer intentionally affirms to himself or herself that he or she will become lucid during the upcoming sleep. This can sometimes happen due to dream-signs or spontaneously upon remembrance. Lucid dreaming has been researched scientifically, and its existence is well established.[2][3] Scientists such as Allan Hobson, with his neurophysiological approach to dream research, have helped to push the understanding of lucid dreaming into a less speculative realm."

This week's guest, Jason, has been lucid dreaming for more than 15 years! He has oodles of dream journals and wants to share his experiences and tips for lucid dreaming. I met him as a total fluke (aka synchronicity!!), we both showed up to guest host the same show. I'm thrilled to find out what he has to share with us. To get on the air and ask a question, call 604-822-2487 when the show is on live. It's going to be a really fun episode:)

P.S. You can find the show on iTunes now! Just look up CITR-Synchronicity and please remember to rate the show:) Thanks!

What the heck is this radio show about, anyway?

Synchronicity: Talk Radio for Your Mind, Body and Soul is the #1 spirituality and wellness radio show airing weekly in Vancouver, BC and around the world on CiTR 101.9 fm at the University of British Columbia.

I interview a wide variety of guests covering topics that are related to spirituality and wellness. Some topics include health, wellness, spirituality, meditation, yoga, homeopathy, naturopaths, mind, metaphysics, new-age spirituality, energy healing, the law of attraction, consciousness, self-awareness, God or Source or the Universe, psychics, angels, prayer and other metaphysical topics. My view is that God is All-That-Is. To me, God is the Universal energy that runs through all things. We are all connected, and anything and everything you do is spiritual. We are spiritual, eternal beings having a brief physical experience.
Synchronicity radio is about enjoying the ride.

To suggest show ideas or appear as a guest on the #1 spirituality and wellness radio show, contact me at

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Law of Attraction vs. Action

A lot of people following the Law of Attraction phenomenon believe that Law of Attraction is all there is. The only force in the universe and all you have to do is get feeling good and sit on your butt and things will come knocking on your door.

For me, it is becoming incredibly frustrating. There seems to be no balance in this way of thinking. We live in a physical reality. We live in an action-based reality. All of us are required to DO things in order to GET things. Some people do, do, do, do and work very hard and struggle and don't get very far, and others do less work and accomplish much more. I believe attitude and the Law of Attraction is what is responsible for this.

But the people who are truly successful, even those who admit they focus on feeling good and the Law of Attraction, they are still DOING stuff. In fact, successful people are usually quite busy doing a LOT of physical actions in order to get where and what they want.

Perhaps the TYPE of actions they take are different than those who are miserable and unsuccessful. An unsuccessful person may spend 8-10 hours each day working for minimum wage. That is hard work, and they are not getting very much from that action.
A successful person may spend as many hours or more each day working, but they are meeting with many people, they are delegating responsibilities and they are enjoying their work. But they are STILL putting forth action.

The difference between inspired action, and backbreaking, miserable, belabored action is huge. It's the difference between scrubbing toilets and having a staff of people who scrub your toilet for you.

But there IS action that is needed in order to get to this place. So how do we balance the positive thinking with the action? I see people from all walks of life who believe in the Law of Attraction, study it, meditate, focus on good feeling thoughts... but there is SOMETHING more that separates the good feeling poor people and the good feeling successful people.

I know many LOA students will be up in arms, saying I'm focusing on what I don't want, or that I'm taking score too soon. But there IS something different going on here. For example, my radio show. I love my show and it's a wonderful experience. I would like to earn my living working in radio. So what is the difference between the action I am taking with my show, and the actions of others who have similar shows and are raking in the money? Do others simply have a better business sense?

When all of us are focusing on good feeling thoughts and what we want rather than what we don't want, what is that other variable that is separating the successful from the... shall we say somewhat less successful?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My favourite Hay House radio host is having a 6 month course in manifesting!

Sign up for the course here

My favourite Hay House Radio host, Summer McStravick, is going to be running a 6 month course in manifesting. I've taken this description of the course from the sign-up page

The Art of Flowdreaming: A Six-Course Manifesting Intensive

You’ve tried positive thinking. You’ve tried the Secret. You’ve read Abraham and all the others. And still, what you want to manifest isn’t showing up. You say to yourself:

● I’m thinking good thoughts and practicing the law of Attraction. Why isn’t it working?
● How do I know if I’m even manifesting what’s best for me, or if it’s part of God’s plan for me?
● What am I doing wrong? Because I’ve tried this all before and it didn’t work.
● I know it works, but when will the things I’m manifesting come to me?
● I’ve had success, but never in one certain area. Why can’t I change things for myself there?
● Can I learn to manifest good things for other people, like my spouse or children?

Summer answers these questions and more in her groundbreaking 6-session course that covers every aspect of manifesting through a highly practical technique called Flowdreaming. Summer’s expert knowledge as a manifesting practitioner is translated into every workshop as she teaches you what it means to work with the subtle energies of the Universe. She shows you how to harness universal Flow, and channel it toward your own desires.

Each of you is asked to come to class with a list of your deepest desires. Summer will teach you not just how to send out energy and work with the Universal field of creation, but to bring in help, guidance, and ease in obtaining each of these wishes in your life.

As part of every class, Summer gives you a 5-minute downloadable mp3 of a targeted Flowdream for practicing between classes. Those who take the whole course will receive six Flowdream mp3s to keep, and 9 hours of deeply informative, detailed instruction. A Q&A session with Summer ends every class.

Summer’s powerful abilities and understanding of universal energies has been recognized by such preeminent teachers as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden, Cheryl Richardson, Denise Linn, Carol Ritberger, and Colette Baron-Reid. She has emerged as a leader in the field of manifesting and has been referred to as a rare teacher of the “mysteries.”

“Summer has uncovered a brilliant method for using intention with beauty and precision. A wonderful guide to the art of manifesting.”
— Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Note: The course workbook is Creative Flowdreaming by Summer McStravick. Buy now and Save 50%! Summer will offer suggested chapters to read to strengthen your understanding between each lesson. Reading is not mandatory, but will greatly enrich your experience.

The entire series is hosted over the Internet, and you can listen through your computer browser. You can also use our toll-free number to call Summer during selected times in each class. If you purchase the series and can’t make a class date, you will still be able to listen to the entire class through your customer account at, at your leisure.

If you want to sign up for the 6 months course, CLICK HERE
If you don't already have the book Creative Flowdreaming, you'll need it for the course and can get a 50% discount if you CLICK HERE

If you sign up by April 7th you'll receive a discount. Also, if you're a Wisdom Community Member, you'll get an even larger discount. :) See you there!
To sign up to be a Wisdom Community Member CLICK HERE

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Coming up on Synchronicity: Life After Death

My mother died a few years ago. She was the only real family I've ever know and she passed away in the wee hours of April 2nd.
This week's episode is dedicated to my mother. Her life was a struggle and I trust that she was able to release that and find peace and true happiness on the other side.

For the next 3 weeks I'll be playing spoken word recordings of Sylvia Browne's perspective of life on the other side. Topics include angels, ghosts, crossing over and more.

Thanks for tuning in, in honour of my mother.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ChipEFT on Friday's show

This coming Friday, Chip from will be on the show to talk about EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique. You can download free e-books from his website if you'd like to learn more about EFT

Synchronicity: Talk Radio for Your Mind, Body & Soul

Fox News Insults Canadians & Our Military

Below is a news story I wrote for the weekly news show I anchor at CITR on Mondays. Normally, I don't watch the news but every second Monday I anchor the show so it cannot be avoided.

Many Canadians are outraged by what was said the other night on a Fox News show.

I do not believe this is the common opinion of Canadians. I know many Americans who respect Canada and see us as the wonderful, friendly neighbours that we are.

I'm also not at all condoning Canada's involvement in Afghanistan. If I had it my way, not a single Canadian soldier would have set foot of Afghani soil. But the coalition was apparently mandated by the United Nations.

Canadians have a great sense of humor and we are poked fun of in American television all the time. But there is a huge difference between making fun of our accents and insulting the Canadian military the night before the bodies of four fallen soldiers are brought home to Canada.

Had I not been writing the news yesterday, I might not have ever heard this story. And I wish I had not (which is one reason I don't usually watch the news).

But I want to add that Greg Gutfeld and the Fox News apology issued yesterday was a pathetic cop out. In a statement issued yesterday, Greg Gutfeld claims his comments may have been misunderstood. That is NOT an apology and I don't believe his comments WERE misunderstood. I'm sure his intention was not to anger an entire nation, but his comments were rude, ignorant, disrespectful, in completely poor taste and not at all funny. There's no misunderstanding that.

I'm looking forward to seeing an on-air apology from Greg and his pundits.

Let's band together as a planet. We are the human race. Scratch that. There is no race. We are HUMAN KIND. Let's be kind to one another and work together for the good of ALL mankind. Don't we deserve to be kind to one another?

As annoying and upsetting as this news story is, I want to send love to my American brothers and sisters, as well to the brothers and sisters who are suffering in Afghanistan. I'm looking forward to the day when not making the military our top priority is actually something that is celebrated.


Canada’s Defence Minister, Peter MacKay, is demanding an apology from Fox News, and the host and panellists of a late night comedy news show, "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld.” If you haven’t seen the video on You Tube, you can search for the 5 minute clip, titled “How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries.”

Lt. General Andrew Leslie, the Canadian Forces Cheif of Land Staff, recently said the military will need a one-year break from operations after troops leave Afghanistan in 2011.

In the show, Greg Gutfeld suggested the US should invade Canada saying our country has no army and that we, like most of Europe, rely on the military power of the US. He said Canadian troops are taking time off to get manicures and pedicures. One panelist said he didn’t even know Canada had troops in Afghanistan and another said Canada doesn’t have a ‘smart culture.’

Peter MacKay calls the comments crass, insensitive and disgusting, considering the recent loss of four Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan, bringing the death toll to 116. MacKay is demanding a formal apology not only from the Fox News network but from the show’s host, Greg Gutfeld and the guest panellists.

Fox News issued an apology earlier today stating that Greg Gutfeld says his comments may have been misunderstood and were not meant to disrespect the brave men, women and families of the Canadian military.

You can decide if his comments were misunderstood or not, just by searching YouTube for the video “How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries.”

So far, over 11,000 people have commented on the video.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Update on Venus Andrecht's Show move

Venus Andrecht from the Dear Venus Show on Hay House Radio is
moving her show to

The show will air every Tuesday at 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern

you can visit her site and sign up for her blog at

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This week's show is still undecided

I have NO idea what I'm doing on the show this week. Actually, I have lots of ideas but haven't made a decision about anything:)
I'm definitely going to play a recording, perhaps of some Abraham-Hicks material. We'll see.
I'm also thinking of doing something fun, but it's kind of hard to say how well it'll translate into radio.
I have an angel board from Doreen Virtue and I want to do some live readings on the air. It's like a game board, similar to Trivial Pursuit. You ask a question and then roll the dice and move your little angel piece, then read the explanation in the book that comes with the board.

Just something I'm thinking about...

Coming up on March 27th, Chip from ChipEFT will be on the show talking about EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique.

Stay tuned for more updates:)
Happy St Patty's Day!!!


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mandana Rastan from Inner Peace Momvement on the show tomorrow

On Friday, March 13th, Mandana Rastan will be on the show to talk about the Inner Peace Movement of Canada. The IPM is all over the world, in about 40 different countries. Here are the details of Manada's upcoming talk in North Vancouver. Tune in at 9am Pacific to hear her perspectives on Inner Peace.


“Believe in yourself and trust your feelings,” says Mandana Rastan, district leader with the Inner Peace Movement of Canada. Rastan will be giving a talk on Tuesday, March 24 at 7:00 pm at the Parkgate Branch of North Vancouver District Library, 3675 Banff Court.

“In an ever changing world we can face challenges with confidence if we have inner security,” says Rastan. “Instead of doubting ourselves and giving in to fear and worry, we can listen to our inner voice and find the answers we seek inside. We need to learn to trust ourselves, cultivate our intuition and create balance in our lives. By staying tuned in to our inner compass, we can make decisions that are right for us, helping us with our life purpose and direction.”

Having personally benefitted from the tools for better living offered by the Inner Peace Movement program, Rastan shares these with people who are committed to their own growth and success.

“The key is self-knowledge. When we understand ourselves and our true nature, we can be in charge of our lives, set goals and take action. Instead of spinning our wheels or going in all directions without meaningful results, we can access our vast potential, the genie within, and create what we want. We can focus on our priorities, use our energy and resources efficiently, and consistently find ourselves in the right place at the right time. This builds confidence, balance and energy. We can then have a more positive connection with our loved ones, our community and ourselves.”

During the seminar Rastan will guide participants in learning to trust their feelings and use their potential to reach their goals and enjoy life more. Participants will also learn about changing any

situation into a positive one, communicating with their inner guidance, the psychic gifts of perception, the seven-year cycles of life and reading auras. Following the talk Rastan will be available to work with community members to set up local study groups so participants can continue to expand their awareness and become more effective in dealing with themselves, their

loved ones and their community.

The Inner Peace Movement of Canada, an educational, non-profit organization, gives people practical tools and techniques to find answers for themselves and to create the life they would like to have. It is a common sense, step-by-step approach to help people to be self-sufficient and to feel that they are master of their own life.

The 1 ½ hour talk is $15, payable at the door. Everyone is welcome. For more information call the toll-free number 1 (877) 969-0095 or visit

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Venus Andrecht from the Dear Venus Show is moving radio stations

This is an exact copy of the email I received from Venus this morning. Please pass it on to anyone you know who listens to her show (and invite them to join this group!). Thanks!
Here is the message from Venus:


Starting on or about APRIL 7th, "The Dear Venus Show" will be moving from
Hay House Radio to

I will be live FOUR times a month, for an hour with almost no commercial breaks.

I will be TAKING YOUR CALLS and working with you over the phone lines.

I will also be drawing names for FREE 15 minute PHONE SESSIONS with me during
each show.

All shows will be archived and will be FREE to access.

To get the true date, day and time, please watch my blog for the announcement.
To be notified automatically, you can sign up for the FEED on my blog site.

*I need your help:
Please tell or email all your friends about the show and the move as I need an
audience in order to keep the show on the new station.
Love to you,

Surrender and my new promo

Yesterday's show with Lisa Sullivan from ISurrenderThis was lots of fun. I played a couple beautiful songs by Deanna Knight, a local singer/songwriter. Thanks for being on the show, Lisa!

If you want to submit music that would be appropriate for the show, check out the contact page on my website for Synchronicity: Talk Radio for Your Mind, Body & Soul

I wrote earlier that I need to create a promo for my show so that other show hosts can play it and get the word out about Synchronicity.

I wanted some background music for the ad but none of the free production music was quite what I wanted (you buy the music and get to use it as much as you like). So guess what I did? I put together my OWN piece of music! It's just some drum beats and a few little sounds, looped together, but still... it's my own creation and I'm very excited!!

So keep listening for the new promo. I should have it ready within the next week or two:) Yay!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

An intro/promo ad for Synchronicity

So the radio station has informed me that I have to make an ad for Synchronicity. This is for my own benefit, so that other shows can play the promo and spread the word about my show.
But where do I begin?
I've had it in mind for months but the ideas just aren't flowing... I'm getting stuck in this "but I'm not creative" kind of place, that doesn't ever get me anywhere.
The truth is that I AM creative and I come up with lots of ideas. So why am I so stuck when it comes to creating a promo for my show!?

If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them:) Maybe I could even turn it into a contest? That could be fun!

Lisa Sullivan will be on the show tomorrow, talking about surrender. It's going to be another great episode so join us tomorrow morning:) Lisa's site is

and mine, as you know, is Synchronicity: Talk Radio for Your Mind, Body & Soul

Friday, February 27, 2009

Still buzzing from Stewart St. John

Today, Stewart St. John was on the show. Stewart is the composer who created the music for the audio books of the Sarah series, by Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham-Hicks).
His energy is so fantastic, the show was incredibly uplifting. People listened from all over the world and we even had a caller from Utah, USA who asked if Stewart would ever consider writing a children's book -- and it turns out that HE IS writing a book right now:)

I played a couple songs from his magical album, Cloudwalking, and we talked about his work with vibrational sound meditations. His music is beautiful and the sound meditations somehow manage to create a physical sensation of peace and bliss.

To hear a podcast of the show, visit my site
or visit Stewart's site,

What a great way to start off the weekend! I'm still buzzing with excitement:)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Damn, it feels good to be a gangster

If you've been struggling lately, I'm going to suggest you watch a movie called Office Space.
It's a few years old and it's a little rough around the edges but I think you'll appreciate how the main character is able to completely let go. And it works out in his favour like you wouldn't believe.
I'm actually watching it right now and I'm just loving it. I have struggled with letting go myself but the struggle just doesn't help us, does it?
I know it, you know it, we all know that the struggle just brings about more pain.
But when you're caught up in that struggle... GAWD, it feels so HARD not to just struggle some more, doesn't it?! Just a little more fighting and I can FIND this happiness that is MISSING in my life, right?
But the MORE we struggle and the HARDER we try, the WORSE things tend to get. Because we're feeling lousy and everything we're doing is coming from a place of misery, fear, despair.
So, if you can, rent the movie, download it, borrow it from a friend or whatever. It's kind of a dark comedy. You'll laugh. It might even get you a bit angry, in a good way.
The best scene in the movie is when the song "Damn it feels good to be a gangster" is playing. You'll know it when you see it. Ahhh.... sweet relief. You're going to have fun watching this movie.
Maybe it will help you to release a bit of that struggle and to surrender and "go with the flow."

Spirituality and wellness radio
Spirituality and wellness radio show

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Stewart St. John next week

Stewart St. John will be on the show this coming Friday. Here's a bit of information about him!

Stewart St. John is the intuitive composer of the channeled Vibrational Sound Meditations that he creates on the keyboard while in a meditative state. A gifted musician with no musical training, Stewart interprets Source energy as sound and music which he shares with a worldwide audience. He was chosen by New York Times best-selling authorsJerry & Esther Hicks to score The Sara Series children's audio books published by Hay House, and also wrote the screenplay and original songs for the Sara movie based on the award-winning books. The non-physical beings Abraham mention Stewart in seminars around the country.

Stewart is also an accomplished writer and director who joyfully uses his gifts to inspire and uplift the human consciousness through his work in television and film. He's an active member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and his career includes winning a Philharmonic Award at 15, a Humanitas Prize for animation writing, penning over 60 episodes of children's television series including Sabrina: The Animated Series, a Young Artists Award nomination for his Disney Channel film Seventeen Again, and 5 nominations and 3 wins for his spiritual science fiction film The Chronicles of Hollow Earth: The Next Race.

You can find out more about Stewart, including daily inspirational quotes, meditations, videos and music at his web site:

Spirituality and wellness radio
Spirituality and wellness radio show

Friday, February 20, 2009

Great show and looking forward to Deepak tonight:)

I had a great time on the show today, spoke with Dhorea from the Kabalarian Philosophy, which is kind of like numerology but much more in-depth. She did a name analysis for myself and a caller and both analyzes seemed very accurate. for more info

And tonight I'm going to see Deepak Chopra! Also, one lucky listener is going, courtesy of Seed Productions. Lots of people in Vancouver are planning to go and I know it's going to be an amazing event.

Next week, Stewart St. John, who is a composer who works directly with Esther & Jerry Hicks! Super exciting. I'm listening to a CD of them right now:) (more info at

I'm now on Twitter, so please follow me and I'll follow you back! I'm
and I'm on YouTube. If you subscribe to my channel, drop me a message and I'll subscribe back to you. It increases traffic for both of us:)

And.... the Synchronicity site is now listed as the #1 spirituality and wellness radio show
on Google and AOL. So check it out!

Spirituality and wellness radio
Spirituality and wellness radio show

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thank you, fellow bus passengers! I love you!

I normally drive my room mate's car to buy groceries, but I went to the store after my chiropractor appointment with plans to buy only a few things. I ended up buying enough groceries to fill 3 bags. Heavy stuff like cans of soup.
So I decided to take the bus instead of walking home with the bags.

I got on the bus and placed my heavy bags down by an elderly lady sitting in one of the courtesy seats at the front of the bus. I was listening to my MP3 player so I had to take out my headphones when she tried to talk to me. She said I could push my bags under her seat if I wanted.
Then another man got up and offered me his seat. I said thanks but told him I was getting off in a couple stops so I was fine.
Then ANOTHER man offered me a seat that became available. I was just about to get off so I didn't need it.
Taking the bus is not one of my favourite pass times, especially during rush hour, which it was on this particular voyage. But I have to give kudos to those wonderful bus passengers, to the Universe, or whatever. I didn't need a seat but when I got off the bus I just felt so BLESSED. I was treated so kindly, in a jam-packed bus during rush hour when people are normally a bit tired, a bit grumpy and just want to zone out and get home without interacting or making efforts to help out.
But today, the bus ride was a beautiful and uplifting experience. I just wanted to share it because someone on Twitter asked me about gratitude. (I'm SpiritualShow on Twitter, by the by!)
And I am definitely grateful to those wonderful spirits who shared the bus with me today. A little kindness goes a long way.
I want to pay it forward and send my love your way right now. Thank you for being you.
here's a link to my spirituality and wellness radio show site

Spirituality and wellness radio
Spirituality and wellness radio show

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Miracle in Rwanda

If you've read Immaculée Ilibagiza's best selling book, Left To Tell (and if even you haven't) you'll want to see this theatre production about the story of Immaculée, who survived the Rwandan holocost by hiding in a tiny bathroom for 91 days, cramped and in silence for 91 days. Hunters searched for her multiple times, and came within inches of discovering her.

Her terror escalated as hundreds of machete-wielding killers searched the house repeatedly for her without success, determined to find and butcher her." (

During her time in hiding, she taught herself the English language using a dictionary.
Her story is one of courage and a faith that goes above and beyond.

The play is coming to BC February 19-21, 2009 at The Chatelech Theatre in Sechelt.
TICKETS: 604-740-0298

Check out the website, the production is written and performed by Leslie Lewis Sword
Miracle In

And, as always, you can visit my site for the #1 spirituality and wellness radio show

Spirituality and wellness radio
Spirituality and wellness radio show

Friday, February 6, 2009

Email subscribing and Synchronicities galore

So I'm not sure how to sign up for email subscribing. I've signed up for Summer McStravick's blog so I know it's possible to do but I have to figure out this blog:)

I got an email from the Flowdreaming blog about how Summer experienced a series of synchronicities that led to her bumping into a particle physicist from CERN in Europe (you know, that gigantic particle accelerator?
Anyway, I had JUST been thinking about CERN and how if I was better at math I might have been a scientist because Science in Action from the BBC was playing on the air when I arrived at the radio station this morning (as it always is, early on Friday mornings).

Anyway, I just thought it was cool to come home and read about the same topic in Summer's blog. Definitely worth reading if you're into Flowdreaming and the LOA.

Oooh, and I just found out, Neale Donald Walsh, author of Conversations With God is going to be on the show. So if you have questions you'd like me to ask him, please email them to

Oh, my website is now the number one spirituality and wellness radio show site! Woo hoo!

Spirituality and wellness radio
Spirituality and wellness radio show

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So, I mentioned I've been feeling somewhat disillusioned by the spiritual movement these days.
I think there is so much wonderful information out there and I'm excited to share it with everyone:)
I just want to stress that the most important guru or guide you can ever follow is your own heart. It will guide you to where you need to be.

Love to all:)

Spirituality and wellness radio
Spirituality and wellness radio show

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Summer McStravick's Flowdreaming blog

I wanted to share with you that one of my favorite radio show hosts, Summer MCStravick from Hay House Radio's "Flowdreaming" show has started a new blog.
She is so uplifting and inspiring and one of the wonderful things about her is she doesn't feed you a bunch of bull (in my opinion). She is positive and optimistic and always inspiring, but she shares that she also goes through dark times, deals with depression and anxiety and over-thinking, too.

There are very few spiritual teachers out there who will admit this. I've started to become disillusioned lately (and I'll post some of my recent ramblings very soon) with the whole new age / spiritual movement because, while hope is an important thing to instill into people, honesty is just as important. To hear that some guy woke up one day out of the depths of despair (this is a real author, I won't mention his name) and he hasn't had a single moment of negative thinking or looking to the past of the future, always living happily in the moment? Come off it.

I hope that it's true for him, but having been on my own spiritual path for years now, I find it hard to beleive. And you know what? People learn more from REAL people. I don't want to hear about some perfect person who has never made a mistake, never had a moment of anger in his heart, etc, etc. People aren't perfect. And to strive for perfection can lead to more pain.

So, if you want to learn and be inspired by a real and honest person who really does walk the talk, then check out Summer McStravick's new blog.

And remember to check out my new website for Synchronicity: Talk Radio for Your Mind, Body & Soul. I actually interviewed Summer's mother, Venus Andrecht a few months ago and you can hear that podcast on my "past shows" page.

Spirituality and wellness radio
Spirituality and wellness radio show

Monday, February 2, 2009

Coming up this Friday

This coming Friday I'll be interviewing Katherine CHE, the Flower Vibrations expert. She was on the show in 2008 and is coming out with some new and powerful Flower Vibrations meditations and an ebook just in time for Valentine's Day.

Next Friday, Satyen Raja is on the show to talk about his book, Living Ecstasy. I'm reading it now and I'm very much enjoying his to-the-point ideas. No fluffy stuff here, just straight to the facts spiritual material you can sink your teeth into. I'm really looking forward to the interview.

Oh, and my site is finally up and running, thanks to my good friend Mike who put it all togehter for me.
Here's where you can learn more about my spiritual talk show on

Spirituality and wellness radio
Spirituality and wellness radio show

Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Website -

A good friend has been kind enough to put together a brand new site,

You'll have access to my past shows and have more information about upcoming shows as well. I'm really excited about the new site so please check it out.


Spirituality and wellness radio
Spirituality and wellness radio show

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Trying again:)

Okay, I wanted to post a link to my site so here I go trying again:)

It's a site about manifesting and using the Law of Attraction, obviously!

Still figuring this out

Okay, I'm still figuring out this whole blog thing but it's pretty exciting!
I'm really looking forward to my show on Friday and also all the shows coming in February. I'll be giving away a pair of tickets to see Deepak Chopra live in Vancouver (coming Feb. 20th/09) so listen every week before the event for your chance to win -- the cue to call could happen at any time!

I'm working on putting together a website for the show but in the mean time, I have this site which is a lot of fun

I've love to hear your opinion -- should I turn the above site into a page for my show or should I start an entirely new site that is specifically for Synchronicity?

Spirituality and wellness radio
Spirituality and wellness radio show

Welcome to Synchronicity: Talk Radio for Your Mind, Body & Soul

Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm brand new to blogging so please bear with me as I learn and grow.

I host a weekly radio talk show in Vancouver, BC, Canada on CiTR 101.9 fm at the University of British Columbia. You can listen live online at on Friday mornings from 9-10am Pacific time from anywhere in the world.

I interview a wide variety of guests covering topics that are related to spirituality and wellness.
If you'd like to be interviewed on the show or you have show ideas, please email

Talk to you soon!

Spirituality and wellness radio
Spirituality and wellness radio show