Friday, February 27, 2009

Still buzzing from Stewart St. John

Today, Stewart St. John was on the show. Stewart is the composer who created the music for the audio books of the Sarah series, by Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham-Hicks).
His energy is so fantastic, the show was incredibly uplifting. People listened from all over the world and we even had a caller from Utah, USA who asked if Stewart would ever consider writing a children's book -- and it turns out that HE IS writing a book right now:)

I played a couple songs from his magical album, Cloudwalking, and we talked about his work with vibrational sound meditations. His music is beautiful and the sound meditations somehow manage to create a physical sensation of peace and bliss.

To hear a podcast of the show, visit my site
or visit Stewart's site,

What a great way to start off the weekend! I'm still buzzing with excitement:)

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