Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ChipEFT on Friday's show

This coming Friday, Chip from ChipEFT.com will be on the show to talk about EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique. You can download free e-books from his website if you'd like to learn more about EFT

Synchronicity: Talk Radio for Your Mind, Body & Soul

Fox News Insults Canadians & Our Military

Below is a news story I wrote for the weekly news show I anchor at CITR on Mondays. Normally, I don't watch the news but every second Monday I anchor the show so it cannot be avoided.

Many Canadians are outraged by what was said the other night on a Fox News show.

I do not believe this is the common opinion of Canadians. I know many Americans who respect Canada and see us as the wonderful, friendly neighbours that we are.

I'm also not at all condoning Canada's involvement in Afghanistan. If I had it my way, not a single Canadian soldier would have set foot of Afghani soil. But the coalition was apparently mandated by the United Nations.

Canadians have a great sense of humor and we are poked fun of in American television all the time. But there is a huge difference between making fun of our accents and insulting the Canadian military the night before the bodies of four fallen soldiers are brought home to Canada.

Had I not been writing the news yesterday, I might not have ever heard this story. And I wish I had not (which is one reason I don't usually watch the news).

But I want to add that Greg Gutfeld and the Fox News apology issued yesterday was a pathetic cop out. In a statement issued yesterday, Greg Gutfeld claims his comments may have been misunderstood. That is NOT an apology and I don't believe his comments WERE misunderstood. I'm sure his intention was not to anger an entire nation, but his comments were rude, ignorant, disrespectful, in completely poor taste and not at all funny. There's no misunderstanding that.

I'm looking forward to seeing an on-air apology from Greg and his pundits.

Let's band together as a planet. We are the human race. Scratch that. There is no race. We are HUMAN KIND. Let's be kind to one another and work together for the good of ALL mankind. Don't we deserve to be kind to one another?

As annoying and upsetting as this news story is, I want to send love to my American brothers and sisters, as well to the brothers and sisters who are suffering in Afghanistan. I'm looking forward to the day when not making the military our top priority is actually something that is celebrated.


Canada’s Defence Minister, Peter MacKay, is demanding an apology from Fox News, and the host and panellists of a late night comedy news show, "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld.” If you haven’t seen the video on You Tube, you can search for the 5 minute clip, titled “How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries.”

Lt. General Andrew Leslie, the Canadian Forces Cheif of Land Staff, recently said the military will need a one-year break from operations after troops leave Afghanistan in 2011.

In the show, Greg Gutfeld suggested the US should invade Canada saying our country has no army and that we, like most of Europe, rely on the military power of the US. He said Canadian troops are taking time off to get manicures and pedicures. One panelist said he didn’t even know Canada had troops in Afghanistan and another said Canada doesn’t have a ‘smart culture.’

Peter MacKay calls the comments crass, insensitive and disgusting, considering the recent loss of four Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan, bringing the death toll to 116. MacKay is demanding a formal apology not only from the Fox News network but from the show’s host, Greg Gutfeld and the guest panellists.

Fox News issued an apology earlier today stating that Greg Gutfeld says his comments may have been misunderstood and were not meant to disrespect the brave men, women and families of the Canadian military.

You can decide if his comments were misunderstood or not, just by searching YouTube for the video “How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries.”

So far, over 11,000 people have commented on the video.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Update on Venus Andrecht's Show move

Venus Andrecht from the Dear Venus Show on Hay House Radio is
moving her show to ContactTalkRadio.com

The show will air every Tuesday at 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern
on ContactTalkRadio.com

you can visit her site and sign up for her blog at

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This week's show is still undecided

I have NO idea what I'm doing on the show this week. Actually, I have lots of ideas but haven't made a decision about anything:)
I'm definitely going to play a recording, perhaps of some Abraham-Hicks material. We'll see.
I'm also thinking of doing something fun, but it's kind of hard to say how well it'll translate into radio.
I have an angel board from Doreen Virtue and I want to do some live readings on the air. It's like a game board, similar to Trivial Pursuit. You ask a question and then roll the dice and move your little angel piece, then read the explanation in the book that comes with the board.

Just something I'm thinking about...

Coming up on March 27th, Chip from ChipEFT will be on the show talking about EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique.

Stay tuned for more updates:)
Happy St Patty's Day!!!


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mandana Rastan from Inner Peace Momvement on the show tomorrow

On Friday, March 13th, Mandana Rastan will be on the show to talk about the Inner Peace Movement of Canada. The IPM is all over the world, in about 40 different countries. Here are the details of Manada's upcoming talk in North Vancouver. Tune in at 9am Pacific to hear her perspectives on Inner Peace.


“Believe in yourself and trust your feelings,” says Mandana Rastan, district leader with the Inner Peace Movement of Canada. Rastan will be giving a talk on Tuesday, March 24 at 7:00 pm at the Parkgate Branch of North Vancouver District Library, 3675 Banff Court.

“In an ever changing world we can face challenges with confidence if we have inner security,” says Rastan. “Instead of doubting ourselves and giving in to fear and worry, we can listen to our inner voice and find the answers we seek inside. We need to learn to trust ourselves, cultivate our intuition and create balance in our lives. By staying tuned in to our inner compass, we can make decisions that are right for us, helping us with our life purpose and direction.”

Having personally benefitted from the tools for better living offered by the Inner Peace Movement program, Rastan shares these with people who are committed to their own growth and success.

“The key is self-knowledge. When we understand ourselves and our true nature, we can be in charge of our lives, set goals and take action. Instead of spinning our wheels or going in all directions without meaningful results, we can access our vast potential, the genie within, and create what we want. We can focus on our priorities, use our energy and resources efficiently, and consistently find ourselves in the right place at the right time. This builds confidence, balance and energy. We can then have a more positive connection with our loved ones, our community and ourselves.”

During the seminar Rastan will guide participants in learning to trust their feelings and use their potential to reach their goals and enjoy life more. Participants will also learn about changing any

situation into a positive one, communicating with their inner guidance, the psychic gifts of perception, the seven-year cycles of life and reading auras. Following the talk Rastan will be available to work with community members to set up local study groups so participants can continue to expand their awareness and become more effective in dealing with themselves, their

loved ones and their community.

The Inner Peace Movement of Canada, an educational, non-profit organization, gives people practical tools and techniques to find answers for themselves and to create the life they would like to have. It is a common sense, step-by-step approach to help people to be self-sufficient and to feel that they are master of their own life.

The 1 ½ hour talk is $15, payable at the door. Everyone is welcome. For more information call the toll-free number 1 (877) 969-0095 or visit www.innerpeacemovementptyltd.com.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Venus Andrecht from the Dear Venus Show is moving radio stations

This is an exact copy of the email I received from Venus this morning. Please pass it on to anyone you know who listens to her show (and invite them to join this group!). Thanks!
Here is the message from Venus:


Starting on or about APRIL 7th, "The Dear Venus Show" will be moving from
Hay House Radio to www.ContactTalkRadio.com

I will be live FOUR times a month, for an hour with almost no commercial breaks.

I will be TAKING YOUR CALLS and working with you over the phone lines.

I will also be drawing names for FREE 15 minute PHONE SESSIONS with me during
each show.

All shows will be archived and will be FREE to access.

To get the true date, day and time, please watch my blog for the announcement.
To be notified automatically, you can sign up for the FEED on my blog site.

*I need your help:
Please tell or email all your friends about the show and the move as I need an
audience in order to keep the show on the new station.
Love to you,

Surrender and my new promo

Yesterday's show with Lisa Sullivan from ISurrenderThis was lots of fun. I played a couple beautiful songs by Deanna Knight, a local singer/songwriter. Thanks for being on the show, Lisa!

If you want to submit music that would be appropriate for the show, check out the contact page on my website for Synchronicity: Talk Radio for Your Mind, Body & Soul

I wrote earlier that I need to create a promo for my show so that other show hosts can play it and get the word out about Synchronicity.

I wanted some background music for the ad but none of the free production music was quite what I wanted (you buy the music and get to use it as much as you like). So guess what I did? I put together my OWN piece of music! It's just some drum beats and a few little sounds, looped together, but still... it's my own creation and I'm very excited!!

So keep listening for the new promo. I should have it ready within the next week or two:) Yay!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

An intro/promo ad for Synchronicity

So the radio station has informed me that I have to make an ad for Synchronicity. This is for my own benefit, so that other shows can play the promo and spread the word about my show.
But where do I begin?
I've had it in mind for months but the ideas just aren't flowing... I'm getting stuck in this "but I'm not creative" kind of place, that doesn't ever get me anywhere.
The truth is that I AM creative and I come up with lots of ideas. So why am I so stuck when it comes to creating a promo for my show!?

If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them:) Maybe I could even turn it into a contest? That could be fun!

Lisa Sullivan will be on the show tomorrow, talking about surrender. It's going to be another great episode so join us tomorrow morning:) Lisa's site is ISurrenderThis.com

and mine, as you know, is Synchronicity: Talk Radio for Your Mind, Body & Soul